Friday, 5 December 2008

Scribbles and ponderings.

I absolutely love animals, but hate zoos, so old taxidermy is one of my favourite things! Here are some drawings from the Natural History Museum. If anyone is interested in taking a trip up there with me to draw animals ALL DAY LONG, who possibly has two comfy portable chairs then let me know!

And I just realized that I have yet to post some of the drawings that I produced for the free range show in London! I am currently working on a new website, and lots of tasty new personal work, but here is one an old one for now
I have started to notice as a freelancer just starting out, that the people who really make themselves a good living out of art seem to have a huge amount of ego and self-belief.  As this does not come naturally to most people, I have been wondering how to fill up my ego tank without becoming the kind of person that is not fun to be around in real life. Should I develop some kind of alter-ego when I sit down to my desk to start work, and leave that person behind when I interact with people? How many people are struggling with this hugely integral part of being a professional illustrator/artist? And what do YOU do to combat it? (Please help me!). Anyway, my new year's resolution for next year is to blog more. And also comment on the kajillion other blogs I read. I think it is a good habit to get your work and thoughts out into the world rather than keep them trapped up inside your mini world.


  1. As a fellow artist, my advice is to keep it simple and continue being yourself in every single thing that you do. I personally enjoy working with humble artists. The key is to never sell yourself (or your work) short. Charge people a fair amount for the work you are doing and make a profit - the ego thing is useless and actually stops people from getting contracts. People like nice people! :) keep up the awesomeness! XO

  2. Thank you so much for that good advice. It is exactly what I needed to hear.

  3. I really like the lion at the top and i've always loved your octopus battle in the bathtub

    you have a new subscriber

  4. I'm a designer/illustrator who is now working as a Head of Design at an agency in London. we deal a lot with freelancers, and I must say illustrators do make the most complicated cases - and we had a few cases of switching to someone else in the middle of the job, which not good for anyone. do not become a primadonna, it will not help your career. it's highly important to listen to whoever you client is.

  5. Hi Ziemowit,
    I've had a small amount of experience in companies who have to deal with primadonna illustrators, and I would class that as just plain bad work! Being able to understand a client, and change your work to suit their needs is all part of being a good illustrator, and something you need to have confidence in your ability to do. Maybe I should take the word 'ego' out of my blog post, as I feel this is confusing the matter a little.
    I guess with any kind of employment, you are bound to work with people who can't do what you want them to. But you are also bound to come across gems who exceed your expectations.
    Also, don't worry, I am a long way off becoming a primadonna and have no plans to aim for it.

  6. This is very good advice for me. I'm not really in art scene professionally here on Guam, but I do love opportunities for exposure. Your work is very inspiring, and also this blog is a very good way to get to know you personally. For me, if I get to experience that connection between the art and the artist, the work is all the more captivating. And this entry is also very endearing because you're right about illustrators having a lot of self belief. I've been noticing it a lot recently from a friend of mine who is an illustrator trying to make it. Thanks! and if anything, here is my flickr account for my serious/non-serious work/doodles. Check it out when you have the time!!

